Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Skinny on Holiday Stuffing

as i just polished off an entire box of locally made chocolate covered cherries (my FAVORITE) from my grandpa, and noticed that another $50 was taken from my checking account for the gym i have long ago forgotten the name of because i haven't been there in many many months but apparently still belong to...it occurred to me that it might in fact not be that my jeans are shrinking, but rather that i am growing. have grown. did grow.


it happens every year, without fail. in fact one time, when i lived down south, i came home for the holidays for about a week and when i returned to work, i casually mentioned in the nurses' station that i'd gained a bunch of weight over the holidays. well, everyone got kind of quiet and then started giggling. apparently, they all had noticed and had talked amongst themselves.

well, this year i'm going to do the same as i did that year and (no, not kill my coworkers) get after it.

we're starting a "biggest loser" competition at work on monday (jan 5). we're broken up into 3 teams of 5 so we're accountable to the other members on our team. we're going by total % body weight loss and we'll go for 8 wks. my plan is to go back onto weight watchers strictly and to actually go to my neglected gym. my teammembers are pretty tough...so i'll definitely be on the hook to lose some good weight.

i've been in kind of a funk the last few days. post-Christmas blues, plus i was scheduled to work all week (except new years day). i actually fell asleep on the couch at 6pm last night and didn't wake up until my usual time this morning. i had myself convinced that i had a mono tumor or something...but then when they told me that i didn't have to work tomorrow (new year's eve), so i get two days off in a row to go visit my family and have a real new year's celebration- i miraculously woke up and felt great!

so a few more marathon eating days with my family....then back to the grind and onto my new fitness and diet plan.

(i'm all cheer now, but just wait a week. the first few days of weight watchers are the worst. i'd just as soon as eat your fingers as shake your hand).

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