Monday, August 24, 2009

Well, well, well.

i spent the last week in the hospital. i have lots of lurid details for you and perhaps amusing/scary tales to regal you with. but give me a day to continue to heal and to collect my thoughts. here are the basics, which i wrote up for a friend earlier. i'll fill in the rest later-

i started a temp two wednesdays ago and went to the ER because it was up to 103 or something and i was worried. everything was well, they said it was a virus and they sent me home. so it persisted and i started getting a cough and stuff, but mostly just bad chills/sweats. fever went up to 105 on sunday night despite around the clock tylenol, cold baths, ice packs. so i was admitted last sunday and they had me in there until just 2 days ago, saturday. they ran every test in the book for everything from viruses to wacky bacterial infections to HIV and cancers and lupus and never found anything relevant. but my fevers lasted for days at that high temp despite all measures. and my blood counts got all wacky- pancytopenia- had to get 6 units of platelets over 2 days, etc. with all the fluid, i ended up in some CHF and had to be diuresed. eventually my counts improved and fever broke (after a few relapses) and i got to come home. it was taxing. exhausting. but my family, the BHE's family, and my friends and coworkers were extremely supportive. and now i'm home.

now more later. must rest.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Where Did I Go?

sorry about the forever long delay between messages. i've been on a much needed vacation this last week. up in the woods with my family is just what the PA ordered.

last week i was on the floor following post-op patients but i'm with a new group of surgeons (we rotate every 6 months) so this was a veeeery laid back week compared to when i follow the other group. i got to see and do some interesting things and also was able to scrub in the OR at least once a day, since i had all luxurious afternoon time after i was done rounding. it was very tra-la!

i will be more diligent about blogging once i'm back from vaca. hope all is well out there...