Tuesday, December 16, 2008

December 16

16. It's snowing buckets of cats and dogs and cliches....

my word. there are something like 3 new inches of snow on the ground tonight and it just keeps going. and out of almost nowhere it's colder than a well digger's ass.

BUT! it's almost Christmas. which is good. we're having a wee get together tomorrow night for some of our friends, so i'm baking cookies tonight and my spouse (best husband ever, ie= "The BHE") is cleaning the house. and will prolly wake up at 4am to shovel us out of our driveway. maybe i can convince him to walk just ahead of me on my way to work to keep the roads clear for me. maybe not.

anyway....if any of you are getting dumped on like we are, here's a tutorial that you might find helpful.

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