Tuesday, October 16, 2007

i am not jack bauer.

i cannot keep going w/o sleep (and in his case, apparently w/o food or bathroom breaks) for 24 hrs at a time. i am just getting home, and while it was an awesome night w/ wonderful, kind residents who showed me a lot and were indulgent of all of my questions, i am exhaustipated.

and i have to say, when you're 30-some weeks pregnant, apparently you are all too willing to bring yourself, your man, and your kids into the labor and delivery triage in the middle of the night for any little pain or change. i guess the theory goes, if the prego lady is having pain and so can't sleep at home in her own bed comfortably, she may as well be in the hospital being monitored and in so doing make darn sure no one else in the family gets to sleep either. i can dig that.

speaking of the "man" in labor and delivery. dads come in all shapes and sizes- ranging from freaked out to loving and comforting to totally distant (...to not there at all, unfortunately). most of the dads are really great w/ the prego's. very loving, holding hands, brushing hair, soothing w/ wet wash cloths. but the ones that deserve killing are those who are ON THEIR FREAKING CELL PHONES DURING THE DELIVERY!! one guy had to cradle the phone on his shoulder while he cut the cord. seriously? SERIOUSLY? i only hear bits of their conversations, but i imagine it's something like,

"hey, man. nah, everything's cool. this is a good time. ('waaaah') what's up? oh, yea? you got the new game cube? ('honey, do you mind taking a picture of the baby?') hang on, honey. shit, always nagging. did you master level 7 yet? totally- that trogdor monster kicked my ass, too. ('honey, do you want to hold the baby now?') yea, that's rough- you just have to find the magic staircase and you'll have it nailed. ('honey?') yea, we're good. everything's fine. well, i'm kind of tired and have a really painful crick in my neck because i only slept about 6 hrs on this sofa chair in the hospital and i'm starving because i only got to eat 3 pizzas and 7 burritos during the night. i can't imagine any pain being worse than my neck hurts right now. i asked my wife to rub it but she was all like, "i'm about to deliver a placenta right now, can it wait?" geez. everything's always about her. earlier she was mad that she couldn't have any pizza, but she had ice chips- what does she want? what's that? yea, she was in labor for about 15 hours. no, no epidural. she didn't hurt that much. oh, what did we have? it's a girl...boy! it's a boy! and he's 22 pounds and 8 1/2 inches long. ('what? what are you telling people? are you crazy?') wait, that doesn't sound right....maybe i'd better go. later. "

it's almost 8am and i'm going to bed. 'night.

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