Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Celebrating my 1st Anniversary in a Shower of Poo

so i've officially been working at MBH for 1 year as of yesterday. i can't believe i've been a real life PA for a year already! it seems like just yesterday that i was crying into text books and my classmates and i were feeling each other up under the guise of learning how to do physical exams.

i still have so much to learn, but i do recognize how far i've come. i feel mostly comfortable in almost every case i do (at least those i do fairly regularly) and i loath a little less being on the floor doing medicine the rare times i have to do that.

i have some goals for this next year. i want to learn to do some pretty invasive floor procedures that will raise my skills, knowledge, and stock. and i want to get back into learning and reading. i've read almost nothing clinical over the last year and it's time to get back into it. i'm forgetting a lot that i learned already and i need to review and update. (i might be woefully behind in my clinical skills and can't correctly diagnose heart failure, but this year i did read the ENTIRE sookie stackhouse vampire novel series and can chronical her sexploits with vampires, were wolves, were tigers....the list goes on. impressed?).

WHAT ABOUT THE POO you ask? that's another resolution i have for next year. don't inadvertently pull off a patient's VERY full colostomy bag onto myself, the floor, and everyone around me right before we're going to start a case. this happened today. and remember that show "you can't do that on television" where the liquidy slime stuff came out of the sky? that was sort of the consistency of the goo. and the smell- woo! the whole surgical area smelled like a slaughter house farted. so....i won't do that again. what i will continue to do is have spare socks in my locker just in case.


Anonymous said...

Crazed Nitwit said...

There's an award for you at my blog. :)

Me said...

oh, very cool! thank you. :)