Friday, May 29, 2009

What's Up in the World of Health/I am SoTired and Lame

so i've been trying hard lately to prove that i'm still young (nope) and hip (not even close) by partying a bunch last weekend and then going to concerts 2 nights in a row this week on school nights. needless to say, if the hipster kids at the show giving me withering looks like i was somebody's buzz-kill mom wasn't enough to tell me i need to slow down and get back to my knitting circle , my paralyzing fatigue today is. i am drop-over-dead tired. and i'm running a 10k tomorrow morning and then going to a bachelorette party (for which i have to bake the dirty cake! don't ask). so tonight's my night to rest and relax.

so i'll be brief, if you don't mind. (good start, huh?). there have been a few allopathic medicine versus homeopathic medicine issues in the news lately. and i find them interesting and thought-provoking.

first- the boy with Hodgkin lymphoma and his mom trying to escape to mexico instead of finishing his chemo treatments. did you follow any of this? basically, this 13 y/o was diagnosed with hodgkin lymphoma and started on treatment, which include chemo (and, typically, low dose radiation). and his prognosis was good (in fact, according to the NCI, 90-95% of children w/ hodgkin lymphoma who receive this treatment modality are cured of the otherwise lethal disease) and the boy received initial doses of chemo. then he and his parents decided to stop doing chemo and instead use the Nemenhah native american naturopathic healing method, siting the miserable side effects of chemo as the reason. so they did that for a while and then a court got involved and while reviewing new xrays, physical exam, and labs, found that the cancer was spreading, so they mandated he get back on his treatment course, and mom and son ran away. they're back now...but it raises topics of parental rights and alternative treatments and all that good stuff. any thoughts on this?

-second- we know that there are new outbreaks of old diseases since people aren't vaccinating like they used to. here's some updates on the current situation with pertussis (whooping cough)- the gist is that it's a bacterial infection that can be harmful/deadly (10 in about 10,000 cases in 2007 died from it) and that the known cases are occurring in one in twenty unvaccinated kids and one in five-hundred vaccinated kids. so there's issues of not only leaving the unvaccinated kids vulnerable, but also then leaving susceptible children (immunocomprimised, too young to receive pertussis vaccine, etc) at risk.

-there are more....but i'll say more later when i'm more awake. but do please post any thoughts you have on this stuff.

1 comment:

Brianne said...

You'll always be young to me. And you're cool (and hip) in my book!