Monday, November 5, 2007

Family Medicine

...started today. i have a headache, so i won't write much now, but i will say that so far so good. (and that i think the headache is from lack of coffee, not from my first day at the rotation). it's a nice sized practice w/ a few docs and PA's and an urgent care clinic at night. there are 2 other PA students w/ me, but there's mostly enough patients to go around. i got to see a 6 yr old and a 79 yr old and everything in between. i helped diagnose diabetes on a patient (classic symptoms- frequent urination- polyurea, frequent night urination- nocturia, and lots of thirst-polydipsia). it was fun for me, hella shitty for him to find out he has NIDDM now and will be stuck on meds for the rest of his days.

more later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My P.A. has literally come in with the book before and showing me a mirror in my mouth . . . "see it doesn't look like that". I suspect that I am the worried well and get dismissed; but. . . .feeling DID come back to a smashed thumb after a half year, etc. Also, I think that most overeating (meat-consuming) people in our society get a lot of the same things - as you noted earlier.