Monday, August 20, 2007

My Week Off

(in satisfied yawn voice) aaaaaaahhhh. sigh. this has been the best vacation ever. went to my parents' cabin with my lovely husband and parents and sister this weekend. we pretty much just slept and ate the whole time. that's what the fresh air is good for- puts you into a nice semi-conscious state of gluttony. yum.

it was good to get re-acquainted w/ my husband. i think last time i saw him he may have had a beard. and he seems taller now. huh. the poor guy. this year has been madness for our marriage. we've faired pretty well, but it's stressful for one partner to be so focused on something so all-encompassing as PA school. he's become the maid, gardener, chauffeur, cook, and ambassador (standing in as my representative for important family functions such as MY OWN FATHER's 50th bday party). he's a trouper, though, and is right there with me celebrating the success of finishing this school year. i think he's glad i have real patients to practice on now and won't come home to poke/prod/light up any parts of him any more. i'll never forget the first fundoscopic (eye) exam i attempted on him. in the pitch dark. without any warning. blinded him for an hour. he was so innocent and unsuspecting. not so much after that, though.

maybe eventually he'll stop adamantly denying that he has any hernias for me to palpate when i try to get fresh with him. :)

so this week off for me is all about relaxing and reading real books that can't be classified as text books, catching up on movies i've missed (see side panel of my reviews of the movies i watch) and getting ready for rotations. i'm cleaning my house top to bottom (while my husband may have been the official "help" over the past year, he's like the maid who shtups the boss and so the level of cleanliness ends up rather sub-par). and i'm practicing suturing skills on chicken breasts, since my first rotation is in surgery, and my dog won't hold still long enough for me to try my stitches on her. i'm pretty sure i won't know where the olecranon process is (it's part of the elbow, i just looked it up) so i better be really good at knot-tying and stitch-making to make up for my wholly pitiful lack of anatomy recall. i find that i have words like "olecranon process" floating around my head, but i can't always associate them with anything meaningful. perhaps in time.

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