Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Skinny on the Skinny

the BHE just asked me, "are you gonna blog about our awesome new diet?"

well...i am going to discuss the diet, yes. would i call it awesome? let's decide.

pros: tons of energy, in a good mood, usually full after eating and satiety lasts a good while, down a few lbs.

cons: green poop, cooking/grocery shopping/cleaning kitchen roughly 2-3 hrs a night, all the recipes are unique from each other in many ways but all still retain a general flavor of 'health.' (if 'health' were a color, it would be brown death).

so it's kind of a wash right now. will stick it out. only 6 wks left. sigh.

not much to report from work. been taking a lot of call lately. also am heading up a 60+ person department-wide "biggest loser" contest. first weigh-in is tomorrow. lots of people are really excited about it and it's something unified we can all do together.

so on all fronts the focus is getting skinny and fit. i will start to share diet and exericse fallacies soon. let's start with this hilarious new hand-held battery operated weight. i can't watch this without rolling on the floor laughing.

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